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Welcome to our Fareacres Weekly Blog

Posted 3/1/2018

This has been a busy week at both our nurseries.

Look, look, see the snow!

The recent adverse weather has allowed us at Fareacres to make the most of our outdoor environments in short bursts, and explore the wonder of snow!

The children have been wrapped up warm and taken to the garden to be able to experience the sensory opportunities that snow offers. The children have been able to explore the qualities of the snow and use their language skills to describe what they are experiencing. Rosie from Starfish room in South Woodford became a budding scientist and involved the whole group to conduct an experiment to see what happens when the snow is brought indoors. When asked for her findings, Rosie declared “The snow melted into water”. This inquisitive nature is something that we promote at Fareacres, and this keen interest is followed up by our skilful team and children’s learning extended.

Our weather is something that children show an interest in and at Fareacres we always encourage this. Within the EYFS, the ‘Understanding the world’ area of learning makes reference to the world and our surrounding environment. However, the learning gained from exploring the weather covers all of the areas of learning within the EYFS. The way in which we ensure that learning occurs within this area is to engage the children and motivate them by creating experiences and learning opportunities where they are able to play and explore. Some of these include:

  • Trips to the local park
  • Exploring the seasonal weather
  • Discussing the weather during circle time
  • Participating in songs based on the weather
  • Using age appropriate software to find information on the weather
  • Reading relevant stories
  • Participating in conversations in the outdoor environment making observations on their surroundings
  • Creating artwork based on the weather

To find further information on learning about the weather, please follow the link below:

Here is a song that we have been singing during the recent snow showers:


‘Look, look see the snow

See it falling down

Swirling, swirling, swirling, swirling

All around the town


Look, look see the snow

Cold and very white

Swirling, swirling, swirling, swirling

What a lovely sight’

Snow ! GHSnow ! GH

Snow! GHSnow! GH











Snow! GHSnow! GH

Snow! GHSnow! GH











Snow! SWSnow! SW

Snow! SWSnow! SW











Snow! SWSnow! SW

Snow! SWSnow! SW











Snow! GHSnow! GH

Snow! GHSnow! GH

Snow! SWSnow! SW














Weekly Experiences

In Gants Hill this week the children have been baking ‘Welsh Cakes’ to celebrate Saint David’s Day. The children benefit so much by these baking activities. Children are notoriously picky eaters, and inviting them to help the adults cook, this can then encourage the children to open up to new tastes. Children learn by exploring with their senses and the cooking activities are an ideal place to do that. Literacy development runs through these activities from looking at the recipe to following the instructions. Through this activity the children have been introduced to mathematical language, such as counting eggs or pouring water into a measuring cup.

If you would like to try baking Welsh Cakes please click the link below:

Welsh Cakes GHWelsh Cakes GH

Welsh CakesWelsh Cakes











Welsh Cakes GHWelsh Cakes GH

Welsh Cakes GHWelsh Cakes GH











The rainbow-fish room in South Woodford has been exploring baked beans with the children. The children have been using a variety of containers and spending time filling and emptying the containers. They have been exploring the different textures of the bean and some children enjoyed this so much that they climbed in the tray!! This has helped to develop their fine motor skills and the ability to listen to instructions. 


In Gants Hill this week the children have been exploring the song bag. Singing is embedded as part of the nursery routine due to the fundamental skills taught to the children. As children grow, singing helps them learn other fundamentals of language, such as rhyme and phonemic awareness (differentiating the sounds within words). The addition of some singing props to everyday singing brings the songs to life and helps develop further skills too, such as recognizing and naming objects and basic motor grasp.

Song Box GHSong Box GH

Song Box GHSong Box GH











Song Box GHSong Box GH

Song Box GHSong Box GH











The Stingrays room in South Woodford have been printing pictures using citrus fruits. They used a variety of fruits to provide a more sensory way to create pictures and explore the texture of the paint and fruits. The children have been encouraged to explore all the senses with the healthy fruit. This also encouraged the children to interact within a small group, thus developing their personal, social and emotional skills.


The children in Gants Hill have been participating in gardening activities. Gardening engages all the children’s senses. With gardening, children can touch and feel the dirt, seeds and flowers, see the vibrant colors and varied sizes of the plants, and smell the amazing scents of the plants. Scooping up the dirt, and placing it in the pots and pouring the water all take fine motor control and strength, helping the emerging literacy skills.

Gardening GHGardening GH

Gardening GHGardening GH











Gardening GHGardening GH

Gardening GHGardening GH











The children in Sharks room South Woodford have been embracing the ‘food’ topic and been discussing the animals and what food they eat. . Learning about animals is incorporated in the understanding the world area of learning within the EYFS. Learning about the different animals and their diets has helped the children make more sense of the world we live in. The children will extend their learning by creating paintings which reinforces the information they are receiving.


Food Pictures SWFood Pictures SW

Food Pictures SWFood Pictures SW












Food Pictures SWFood Pictures SW











The children in Gants Hill have been making their own sandwiches for their tea time. The children are given the choice of filling and are supported by the adult to make their sandwich.  Teaching the children to prepare their own food is as important as teaching them life skills. Through the activity, staff noted that the children’s confidence had grown due to the choice making. This activity also develops the children’s own sense of independence.


The children in Starfish South Woodford have been learning about road safety this week, practitioners have been acting out scenarios with the children, firstly becoming the motorist and then the pedestrians. The children have been colouring their set of traffic lights, using red, green and amber pencils with staff encouraging the children to colour the traffic lights how they see them. Teaching children road safety is very important as children and young people are at significant risk on the roads.

Here are some comments the children have made throughout the activity:

Luca - "you have to wait for green"
Millie - "Red means stop"
Reva - "Orange means get ready"
Chloe - "You push the button and hold hands"
Libby - "you don't stand in the road, you will be squashed by a car"
James - "Orange means you can start your engine"

Road Safety SWRoad Safety SW

Road Safety SWRoad Safety SW

Road Safety SWRoad Safety SW













Road Safety SWRoad Safety SW

Road Safety SWRoad Safety SW













Top 5 Children’s Quotes of the week

  • “Daddy is batman” - Daniel
  • "I want to buy my mummy a balloon for Mother's Day" – Hannah
  • "I'm going on an airplane next week" – Kassie
  • "I need my gloves cos its cold" – Leonel
  • "I am going to the doctors cos I have a sore throat" – Mae


Activity of the week:

The winner of activity of the week is Archana Loganathan (GH). Archana has planned a very clever activity to create 3D structures using grapes and toothpicks. This is of course an activity that would require heavy supervision due to the inclusion of grapes. But it is a great way to demonstrate to children how a 3D shape looks and prompt discussions where the language of the shape names is used. This activity provides challenges that the children will not be used to, and will therefore encourage their participation. The extension will lead the children to draw the 3D shapes that they have created. 

Quote of the Week:

“The cold never bothered me anyway”

-       Elsa (Frozen)


Once again we would like to thank you all for your generosity with your donations for the Redbridge food bank. We have received a certificate to inform us our total contribution was 200.15kg. This contribution will help 18 local people in crisis.

 Food Bank CertificateFood Bank Certificate










Thank you for taking a glimpse into our Fareacres Learning Community

Until next time...