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Welcome to our Fareacres Weekly Blog

Posted 1/14/2019

This has been a busy week at both our nurseries.

Weekly Experiences

In Gants Hill this week the children have been playing a posting box game. Posting box activities develop hand/eye co-ordination and with your support will develop persistence needed for later problem solving. Plus, you can change the ‘level’ of difficulty so the children can enhance their numeracy and literacy skills.

Posting Game GHPosting Game GH

Posting Game GHPosting Game GH








The children in Rainbowfish room, South Woodford have been participating in baby animal yoga. There are many benefits to this activity, baby yoga helps the children develop through yoga poses, which can aid in their gross and fine motor skills. The activity created a balance between strength and flexibility in the children’s developing bodies, so they grow strong and maintain their flexibility. This was a great activity to initiate social interaction in a non-competitive environment for the children. 

 Animal Yoga SWAnimal Yoga SW











In Gants Hill the children have been using stencils to create their pictures. One of the benefits of stencilling for children is that stencil art truly provides a channel for them to be more creative. It supports the development of fine motor skills, the development of bilateral coordination and eye-hand coordination and can boost a child’s self-esteem.

Stencils GHStencils GH

Stencils GHStencils GH








The children in Stingrays room South Woodford have been making exploding volcanoes. The children have engaged in imaginary play and a bit of chemistry when they create their very own vinegar and baking soda volcano using a bottle.

Here are some comments made by the children:

"Oh no wow" - Rodrigo
"Ooohhhh wow" - Wren
"Look soda nice" - Rafe
"Nice" - Ibbi

 Volcanoes SWVolcanoes SW













In Gants Hill the children have been exploring sensory experiences by playing with foam. There are many benefits of sensory play. Firstly, sensory play helps children to develop their physical skills; sensory play introduces actions such as shaping, scooping and moulding. These skills require multiple muscles to work together which helps a child's fine motor skills.


Play Foam GHPlay Foam GH

Foam GHFoam GH












The children in Sharks room South Woodford have been being creative by gluing and sticking using various resources. The children stuck these on their initial letter from their names. The children will benefit from this activity as they are developing their hand – eye coordination, fine motor skills, which give children the skills for early acquisition of writing. The children had the further extension of the letter names and sounds.

Here are some comments made by the children:
"X for Xavi" - Xavi
"My name is F, C is for cat" - Frederika
"A for Aaron and apple" - Aaron
"This is C, C for cat" ­- Clara
"A for Ariya" - Ariya
"This is Julia" - Juila



In Gants Hill the older children have been exploring colours. There were many benefits to this activity. The children used scientific thinking to observe, predict and compare, and they experimented with cause and effect. ‘What will happen if we mix all three colours together?’ From this the children used problem solving skills and came up with ideas for what to do when the colour they were mixing didn’t turn out quite the way they had hoped. Along with the developing the children’s fine motor skills.

Exploring Colours GHExploring Colours GH

Exploring Colours GHExploring Colours GH








The children in Starfish room South Woodford have been looking at pre-made slides under a microscope. This activity is for the budding scientists, Children are naturally curious about the world around them, however with the use of the microscope we are able to extend the children’s learning further.

Here are some comments made from the children:

"I can see a beautiful picture" - Mae
"I can see a blue line" - Isabella
"I saw a circle" - Eitan
"It looks like purple" - Noah
"It like a bus" - Saanvi
"I can see a black line" - Isla T
"I can see colours" - Jayce
"I can see a Kangaroo" - Armaan

Microscope SWMicroscope SW

Microscope SWMicroscope SW












Top 5 Children’s Quotes of the week:

-       "I got two Nintendos for Christmas" - Jayce

-       “I have a book on the olden days you can come and look at” – Zayd

-       "I put out chocolate for Santa he ate it all and left me a big dinosaur" - Leonard

-       "Wow look at this" – Cayden

-       "I ate a brussel" - Eitan


Activity of the week:

The winner of activity of the week is Meera (SW). Meera has planned a lovely activity which will help a child to achieve a physical: moving and handling next step. The next step is for the child to use a tripod grip; therefore, the activity requires the children to use their fine motor skills to drop pom poms down tubes and into the tray. As this is a new activity which offers the children a new learning opportunity, they will be more likely to engage and participate fully. The extension asks the children to place the pom poms in specific tubes, to further test their fine motor skills.


Quote of the Week:

‘How one handles success or failure is determined by their early childhood’

                                                            Harold Ramis (American actor)


Thank you for taking a glimpse into our Fareacres Learning Community

Until next time...