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Welcome to our blog

Posted 11/8/2017

This has been a busy week at both our nurseries....

 At Gants Hill we have been making salt dough poppies for all children to take home and share with their families. Minh Anh says “It’s like the one you wear on your coat”

In South Woodford the children are participating in their Armistice Day activities- Sharks are using apples cut in half dipped in red paint to make their poppies, Starfish are using red glitter and paint and practicing their fine motor skills by cutting out their poppies without adult help. Olly says “poppies are to remember soldier”

 At South Woodford all of the children are now having access to the sensory room which has just opened. The benefits children relish from accessing sensory experiences are huge; it stimulates their brain leading to vast learning opportunities.

 Sensory Room South WoodfordSensory Room South Woodford






Book of the week is being used throughout both nurseries, this helps the children develop their emergent literacy skills before they begin to decode the written word. Skills such as showing understanding of the structure of a story, the title, the author and illustrator, repetition in the text such as rhymes, illustrations are all developed. Please talk to staff in base rooms about the book of the week.

As cold and flu season begins to take hold, it’s important that we try to reduce the risk of infection. For this reason we are introducing nose blowing stations. They are simply there to encourage children to manage their own personal care, but the use of them should be modeled and prompted by us as adults.

 Nose blowing stationNose blowing station






Top 5 Children’s Quotes of the week

  • “I went to my dad’s cousin wedding and wore a purple dress with flowers” – Hannah
  • “I go on the choo choo train to ballet with my mum” - Minh Anh
  • “I am cleaning the bathroom by myself to stop us falling" - Andreas.
  • "I love the safety spy it keeps us safe" – Rosie
  • “I love going in the garden, I love the blue bike, I called it 1,2,3” - Cameron

Activity of the week was won by Archana Loganathan – She created a Reggio Emilia inspired maths activity to match numeral to quantity. 

Quote of the Week: ‘The great heroes and heroines of our society are of course the teachers, and in particular the teachers of kids in their first years’ – David Attenborough

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Until next time...