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Welcome to our Fareacres Weekly Blog

Posted 11/23/2017

This has been a busy week at both our nurseries.

Knitting for connection

At Fareacres, we continuously try to instil in our children awareness of those around us and how it is important to help where possible those in need. In the run up to the Christmas period, we have started to knit ‘Bonding Squares’. These are knitted squares that are used by Neo-Natal units across the UK to help premature babies bond with their primary carers. One square is placed with the child, and one with the carer. The scent is absorbed by the ‘Bonding Square’, and then swapped, so the child has the scent of the carer and the carer has the scent of the child. This helps the bonding process, despite the obvious obstacles of incubators and numerous other lifesaving pieces of equipment.

The children will be experiencing the knitting during their sessions and spoken to about the reasons why we are doing it.

We will then be sending our squares to various hospitals.

If you would like to help us in any way, please contact Amy or Hannah

Let’s get knitting!         

Knitting for connectionKnitting for connection          








Children’s Forum 

Evidence shows us of increased outcomes for children in an environment that allows them a ‘voice’ in their learning. Towards the end, primary and secondary schools have already introduced ‘student councils’; ‘class monitors’ and ‘Class Captains’ amongst other titles. At Fareacres, we aim to reflect this by putting in the seeds of empowerment in preparation of transition for our pre-school children.

A small group of children are chosen to participate in our children’s forum at each setting. A range of points are discussed, with the children raising various issues that they feel are important to improve their experiences at Fareacres, such as resources, routine or staff.

These forums have taken place this week and we have had productive meetings that the children have engaged with fully. They have requested more motorbike toys, fish and chips for lunch, more types of paper in the literacy area, more trips to the park and more plates and forks in the home corner.

Weekly Experiences

Fareacres have been embracing the outdoor environment to enhance the children’s mathematical development using the natural resources of Autumn.

In Gants Hill, the children are using the natural resources with the scales in the garden and seeing which weigh more.

 Weighing with the scalesWeighing with the scales












The younger children have been exploring musical instruments, nursery rhymes and songs. These are part of the daily routine at Fareacres, and are an important aspect of language development for babies and toddlers. For any further reading, please click on the following link:

South Woodford has developed a rain gauge which has been introduced in the garden. The children are measuring out how much rains falls on a monthly basis and collating this evidence to see which the ‘rainiest’ month is.

Rain GaugeRain Gauge












Rainbow Fish are using cotton reels to paint with this week, this encourages the babies to explore new textures and mark making. For any further reading please click on the following link:

Curriculum Evenings

Both settings have held curriculum evenings this past week. Gants Hill focussed on ‘Technology in the Early Years’ and South Woodford focussed on ‘Mathematical Development’. Feedback from parents attending has been positive, with suggestions already being made of future areas of focus.

If you have any ideas on an area you would like to see a curriculum evening held, please forward your ideas to your setting manager.  

Top 5 Children’s Quotes of the week

  • “Look I draw Mendi on my hand” – Riyanah
  • “Why does the chicken go to the hospital? cos he has chicken pox” – Rosie
  • “Don’t do that” – Alicia
  • "Father Christmas is watching we must be good" – Libby
  • “My mum lost my scooter” – James

Activity of the week

Activity of the week was won by Kelly Preston – Kelly has created a lovely activity to help a child achieve a maths next step, in the pre-school room. To help the child to understand which day comes before and after any given day, Kelly has planned to make calendars. This will provide the children with a visual prompt in order to gain an understanding and help to achieve their next step.

Quote of the Week:

 “The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out” – Bill Gates


Thank you for taking a glimpse into our Fareacres Learning Community

Until next time...